The entire world of your company, condensed into a single "hidden object picture."
Every company tells stories. Uncovering and purposefully highlighting these stories to provide employees with direction and orientation is the goal and effect of our Insight Picture processes.
With this fantastic transformation tool, we ensure two of the most fundamental aspects of organizations:
Clarity regarding the organization's truly value-adding processes
Fluid communication between departments and across all hierarchy levels
In the creation process of your Insight Picture, we involve various cross-functional groups, empowering them to provide answers in the form of clear (visual) statements. Since the picture will ultimately be printed for production, this process encourages you to make precise and binding statements!
The result is that core structures and processes are embedded in "stories." During the rollout of these beautiful, large, colorful hidden-object-style pictures, colleagues (trained by us) engage others in "Insight Picture Dialogues." This process not only clears communication channels throughout the organization but achieves much more...

Marke & Image
Partnerschaften & Netzwerke
Purpose & Wertschöpfungsprozesse
Zukunft & Projekte
Wissen & Know-how
Strategie & Herausforderungen
Corporate Responsibility
Creating the map together
Together we define the relevant project groups and develop the key question for the entire process. Data is then collected, structured and prioritized.
Themes that are to be incorporated into the image are translated into narratives and scenes.
The scenes are put together step by step to form a large overall picture. First in black and white and later in color. The printed picture ultimately fills a long table so that participants in a workshop can find space around it to explore.
Iteration & Variation
Of course, we go through several loops in this process until the overall picture meets your wishes and can unfold its effect. In addition to the insight picture, we develop interactive, playful elements with you that allow plenty of room for new ideas even after the workshops.
Once the map is complete, we train your internal moderators/ambassadors and define the conditions of the workshops with you. Then the dialogue begins to spread throughout the company and a vital, open exchange enlivens the entire organization.