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Flowpaper - Training & Coaching-Tools

out of the five4cosmos


The new super competence of agile collaboration

Working in the modes of crisis management and decision-making uncertainty is the new "normal". Our body's own working memory, the central nervous system, runs at full capacity. As a result, only those processes that are necessary for survival are served, which mean either struggle or inner retreat. In this situation we are absolutely unable to cope with complex challenges.

In order to be able to act innovatively, co-creatively and in a solution-oriented manner, we have to be able to recognize the utilization of our main memory at an early stage, to clean up RAM eaters and to activate a brand new CPU that we have long carried within us: somatic intelligence.

The GlobalCommunityGame


My Tribe, my Community, my World

What sense do companies that are not involved in a society-wide commitment do? Our goal is to provide businesses and nonprofit organizations with a game that highlights the complexities of a global global community with all its opportunities and risks.


The game together creates a constructive dialogue that opens up the perspective for creative solution scenarios in dealing with the VUCA world that no adult headrester would ever have thought possible.


We do not play for profit - we play for the quality of life and development opportunities of the coming seven generations. We will also be offering this playful exploration trip for you next year. CHILDREN TO THE POWER!


The new super competence of agile collaboration

Working in the modes of crisis management and decision-making uncertainty is the new "normal". Our body's own working memory, the central nervous system, runs at full capacity. As a result, only those processes that are necessary for survival are served, which mean either struggle or inner retreat. In this situation we are absolutely unable to cope with complex challenges.

In order to be able to act innovatively, co-creatively and in a solution-oriented manner, we have to be able to recognize the utilization of our main memory at an early stage, to clean up RAM eaters and to activate a brand new CPU that we have long carried within us: somatic intelligence.


Exercise guide retreat & meditation

The inner journey is not quite over yet. There is still time to experience loneliness as a gift. While more control, more measures and more complexity can be experienced in the outside world, our inner journey is about reduction: less is more. In meditation this unconditional joy in being and the inner richness can be impressively experienced. With a little practice and these instructions, you will succeed.



We are happy to announce the updated 2nd edition of our international bestseller "Leadership in a VUCA World". Now available worldwide on amazon. 

The world is edging towards rapid transitions. Organizational management is somewhere lost in the externalities. But this book will tell you about where to turn. How to shape your lives in a constructive and responsible way? How to find clarity, true conviction and a deep sense of identity? How to manage the balancing act between undeceived pure reason and deep and primal feelings? How to navigate life themes, like gain and loss, praise and criticism, growth and decay, cooperation and conflict? How to keep an eye on the bigger picture in our lives and still remain competitive? And finally, how to develop and keep a balanced perspective when leading an organisation?


Forest bathing | Shinrin Yoku

Not only the body but also the psyche benefits from a trip to the forest. In the case of depressive moods and burnout, forest bathing can be a real stress relief and reduce internal pressure. So it's worth taking a little break and planning a trip to the forest.



In this play paper you will learn what »Serious Play« is, what it is good for, and how exactly you can use it in the circle of your family with a lot of joy and depth. Holidays or special events are particularly suitable for creating closeness, understanding for one another and more cohesion. With our playpaper you will succeed with ease!


Recollecting yourself | the human side of agile

Let the others talk about home office tips! As usual, you will learn from us the deeper connections and secrets that will relieve and support you in times of crisis. In our intro you will learn how the inner work enables you to do the outer work. But wait ... there is more ... practical exercises will follow in the next part of our FIVE4RETREAT series!

The Jedi Path to Agile Mastery

Die Führungskunst der Jedi.jpg

The goal of this book is to guide today's leaders along a path to becoming the leaders of tomorrow – leaders who can wisely apply their courage to surmount the challenges of the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world we live in.


From agile DOING to agile BEING


With our new development of a three-dimensional game simulation, real dynamics can be mastered on the way to an agile corporate culture.


Four playing field levels symbolize values ​​and action orientations that provide for agile dynamics and complex impact chains. With co-creation you clear the way into your own agile company structure. With agile mindset, full engagement, and personal empowerment, you can melt even the most stubborn hierarchies.


Teams join forces in a network of evolutionary solutions and innovative business cases to bring your company, customers and partners together into a glorious 21st century.


New Work - New Game. AGILITY IN THE 4th DIMENSION!

More about the AgileDynamicsGame®

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Manifesto of Agile Leadership


Through our consulting activity, we have come to appreciate these values:

Appreciation and responsibility more than control and regulation Transformation and integrity more than planning and image System vision and exploration more than rationalization and assessment

Liveliness and humor more than problem orientation and seriousness


That means that although we find the values ​​on the right side important, we estimate the values ​​on the left higher.


Agile forms of work and meaningful business concepts fascinate us since the beginning of our work as consultants. We have documented the forays through the world of self-organization of our customers in a map - the result is called FLOWLAND


Enjoy exploring these experiences of agile practice.

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